Monthly Archives: November 2011

Veteran =/= Retiree

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I sincerely admire Stephen Colbert’s support to the military and I think that his heart is in the right place, but he is completely wrong in this video.

I don’t have the time (or energy frankly) to write a full takedown on this, but here is the bulleted version.

  • At no point does he actually talk about veterans benefits. All the items he discusses are *retiree* benefits.
  • He’s not really talking about the 1% who served, he is talking about the 0.17% who receive retirement benefits (medical/pension)
  • Medical: Tricare annual enrollment fee for retiree families is $520/year. Average civilian family health care cost is $13,375.
  • Pension: A 42-yo Lt Col (0-5) who retires in 2011 after 20 yrs of service and lives another 40 years will be paid an additional $1,920,000.00

It seems like if Stephen Colbert was really interested in defending veterans, he would mention that 83% of them receive none of the benefits mentioned above.

(h/t to @jasonmbro for bringing this video to my attention)

Posted in War | 16 Comments

The Assad Family Despotry Handbook

I have a piece on Syria up on CNN/GPS right now.

Hafez al-Assad’s son is following the example set by his father, not just in Homs but wherever protests arise. If that was somehow unclear to anyone before, it is undeniable now with the stomach-churningly comprehensive list of abuses provided in the UN report.

It is in part about the similarities between the brutality of Hafez al-Assad’s regime and that of his son Bashar, and in writing it, I was struck by the rhetoric used by both despots to justify their actions.

Like father:

Hama, which is 120 miles north of Damascus, was cut off from the rest of the country. But the reason, he said, is that a “search campaign” is being conducted by the ruling Baath socialist party and Syrian security forces for “weapons of the gang.”

Like son:

The government said the operation on Friday aimed to restore security in the town, where authorities said 120 security personnel were killed by “armed groups” last week.

References to armed gangs seeking to disrupt and destroy the country are a common theme in the public statements of the Assad regimes of 1982 and 2011. I am always interested by the language used by despots to defend their abuses and in Syria at least, that language seems to have been passed down along with the rest of the Iron-Fisted Repression Handbook.

Posted in War | 1 Comment

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Adam Weinstein has a new piece up at Mother Jones entitled, “Inside the Corporate Plan to Occupy the Pentagon.” In it he makes the case that the Defense Business Board is basically a secretive Rumsfeldian cabal made up of evil Wall Street hedge-fund managers who are quietly twisting the Department of Defense into an employee abusing, pension-stealing corporation that operates with merciless efficiency and an eye towards the bottom line. Here is how Adam describes the DBB…

They are investment bank CEOs and CFOs, outsourcing experts, and layoff specialists who promote a corporate agenda of “behavior change” and “business solutions” in the military bureaucracy. The board proposes not only to slash and privatize military pensions, but also to have the Pentagon invest in oil futures, boost pay for its executives and political appointees, and make it easier for them to fire rank-and-file employees while scaling back those workers’ collective-bargaining rights.

Initial caveats: I know Adam (via twitter) and have read enough of his work to understand that this story is going to slant left. As a routinely left-of-center guy myself, I understand the desire to approach it from that perspective. However, in this case I think Adam’s desire to tell a good partisan story overwhelmed his responsibility to be intellectually honest. This article completely overstates the influence of the DBB, wrongly frames them as lacking empathy for military members and misrepresents their recommendations on a number of issues such as Fuel Hedging, the National Security Personnel System, and probably most importantly Military Retirement Reform.


First off, I kind of resent being in the position of having to defend the DBB. The reason you’ve never heard of the DBB isn’t that they are overly secretive, its just that they aren’t really that important. Strangely, Adam even admits it in his piece:

“While the board’s ideas have enjoyed support on Capitol Hill over the years, it has made only a modest impact on policy.”

Adam doesn’t cite the “support on Capitol Hill” they have received, so I can’t address that directly, but the only large-scale DBB recommendations that were ever adopted were the National Security Personnel System (NSPS), which has since been entirely dismantled (I’ll discuss that in more detail later) and the creation of the DoD Chief Management Officer (which as Adam points out has only been staffed to the deputy-level). Apart from the very limited succeses listed here, the DBB has also had some notable failures. They have recommended the outsourcing of military mail (not adopted) and endorsed the creation of a Combatant Command dedicated to medical issues (also not adopted).The majority of their recommendations and formal reports are completely boring, buzzword laced Powerpoint presentations built from interviews with various senior leaders within the department and the proverbial “best practices” from industry. Their reports have titles like, Innovation and Cultural Change [.pdf-2006] and Financial Indicators, Ratios and Indexes [.pdf-2002]. These reports center around the consistent themes of metrics and tracking, human capital (especially senior leadership) and logistics. They mostly rehash the myriad ways that the DoD is inefficient and poorly organized and how it would benefit from adopting business practices from industry [I should note that DoD inefficiency and organizational sprawl is hardly a minority view. The DBB just states this in MBA jargon instead of MilSpeak].

In order to further frame the scope and magnitude of influence that the Defense Business Board actually wields, here are some additional facts. The DBB averages around 8 reports a year that are delivered to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (and in theory on to the Secretary). These reports normally consist of about 6 pages of text with an accompanying Powerpoint slideshow of around 20 pages. If the track record of the DBB discussed above isn’t convincing enough, you should also note that the DBB has absolutely no authority to implement any of its recommendations. These decisions are left to the senior military and civillian leadership and therefore they are the ones that are actually responsible for any changes adopted. According to their Jan 2010 charter, the overall budget for the DBB is $750,000 plus 6 full-time equivalents (4 active duty officers and 2 support personnel). Not to downplay this amount, but the budget for the various department bands is $320 million and the overall DoD annual budget is $530 billion.

You could argue that the real power behind the DBB isn’t their quantity of work or their budget, but their routine access to the halls of power; the ability to consistently pull the strings of the Pentagon senior leadership. Well, there’s a problem there too: The DBB only meets four times a year. The last one of these meetings was held in October 2011 and was scheduled to be 30 uninterrupted minutes of greed and undue corporate influence on the DoD. That means that over the course of the year, the DBB will produce a few hundred pages of [mostly boring] reports and have a few hours of meetings. Did I mention that these meetings are open to the public and the meeting minutes are published on the internet? Neither did Adam.

This doesn’t exactly seem like the way you would run a secretive Wall Street takeover of the Department of Defense.


This blackhearted organization has also recommended increasing the accessibility of benefits for severely wounded military members [Addressing Benefit Disparities to Wounded Warriors .pdf 2010] and recommended ways to improve the public school systems surrounding military installations [Public School Improvement To Enhance Quality of Life Around Military Bases .pdf 2002]. Their proposal on military retirement reform would actually expand benefits to a much wider group of veterans (but more on that later).

Adam also attempts to paint the DBB as completely divorced from military understanding:

Its 21 members know little about military affairs, but they are rich in Wall Street experience, including with some of the biggest companies implicated in the 2008 financial meltdown. [emphasis mine]

However, several of the DBB members named in the article are cited by Adam as having clear military experience.

The head of the Defense Business Board’s pensions task force, Richard Spencer, served as a Marine aviator in the 1970s.
The leader of the board’s supply chain task force was Gus Pagonis, a senior VP for Sears who, as an Army general had managed supply and logistics for the Gulf War, [emphasis mine]
A 3rd DBB member named by Adam is Denis A. Bovin (who also appears to have some experience…)
Mr. Bovin has been awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest honor that can be conferred on a civilian, for his “dedication and commitment to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces” and for his “vital and lasting contributions to the Department of Defense.” — From his profile page hosted at the Center for a New American Security


Adam also makes claims that are either factual oversights or outright deception on the topic of fuel hedging.
Its members have consistently advocated for the Pentagon to engage in fuel hedging—investing in oil futures to lock in a supposedly low cost for their long-term fuel needs. The board’s fuel-hedging push was led by member Denis Bovin, who was a top investment banker for Bear Stearns until the firm went bust in late 2008. After consulting with energy giants BP and Shell, among others, Bovin’s team concluded that the Department of Defense should invest based on rising oil prices, even while he conceded that “as a whole, DoD is not highly exposed to fuel price volatility.” Such deals, he noted, would incur investment transaction costs of “$10 to $250 million per year.” Even though no federal agency currently engages in fuel hedging, the board tasked Bovin with another study on oil futures last January.
But here is the text from the board’s initial fuel hedging study, conducted in 2004 actually indicates that their preferred recommendation was *not* to hedge fuel purchases.

The Board’s Task Group [led by the aforementioned Denis Bovin]concluded that DoD could feasibly hedge its fuel purchases. In particular, the Department could design an effective hedging program that does not disrupt commercial markets. Though DoD is a large consumer of fuels, its consumption does not exceed that of a major airline by a significant amount. While the commercial market for fuel and fuel contracts could handle a DoD fuel hedging program, the question remained: Should DoD hedge?After an examination of the viability of a fuel hedging program for DoD, two recommendation options were developed by the Task Group:

OPTION 1: Don’t Hedge

OPTION 2: Implement a Low-Risk Pilot Program

Under this option [Option 1], the Department of Defense would not engage in fuel hedging in the commercial markets or elsewhere and would not pursue this approach any further. The option is based on the decision that both the political risks and the legislative effort required to establish such a program are not justified by the potential benefits. [emphasis mine]
Another fact that is conveniently glossed over is that the fuel hedging concept wasn’t even the idea of the Defense Business Board

TASK: At the direction of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C)), the Defense Business Board (formerly known as the Defense Business Practice Implementation Board) was tasked with examining potential ways to reduce the Department’s exposure to fuel price volatility by hedging in commercial markets. This request was initiated by the USD(C) after the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directed that the Department of Defense (DoD) consider fuel hedging. [emphasis mine]


Adam also takes issue with the implementation of the National Security Personnel System, which was a system designed to replace the General Schedule (GS) pay scale for DoD civilians. He was in no way alone on this one. There were a litany of people that opposed this change for a wide variety of reasons.

A 2008 investigation by Federal Times found that the first round of bonus pay under the new policy had been riddled with iniquities. And a May 2009 investigation by the Pentagon itself found that employees previously making below $60,000 ended up making less under the policy—while workers with salaries above $80,000 ended up making more.

However, it is important to note that NSPS was a pay-for-performance system; inequality was a feature not a bug. NSPS gave managers much more discretion with regards to how employees received bonuses and promotions. It also simplified the hiring and firing processes for federal employees on the theory that if government employment policies more closely reflected the commercial sector government would be more efficient. Whether or not you support those changes largely depends on your perspective towards organized labor and pay-for-performance compensation. However, the implication that NSPS was discriminatory is unfounded. The Federal Times analysis that Adam cites stating that NSPS is unfair was only based on one year of data, and it would only go as far as to say this:

Most experts interviewed by Federal Times say it’s too early to judge whether NSPS is discriminatory or otherwise faulty. But many agree the apparent inequalities cause concern, and they say Defense needs to closely watch these trends in coming years. If the inequalities continue, experts say, NSPS must be revised to correct them.

However, as Adam correctly points out, eventually there was enough pushback against this system that it was defunded by Congress has since been phased out.


So, with all of that out of the way we finally get down to what I think was the real motivation behind writing this story: Adam doesn’t like the DBB’s recent recommendation to shift the military retirement system over to a 401(k) style system. Again, he isn’t alone. There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the mere suggestion that military retirement could be adjusted in any way, other than up of course. Robert Goldich and Andrew Bacevich both make impassioned defenses of the current system, while completely ignoring the fact that it is entirely unsustainable. So, back to Weinstein…
The board’s proposal would set aside 16.5 percent of a troop’s base salary [misleading, since this would not be removed from troops salary] in a savings account to be invested in the markets. Assuming a modest annual return—hardly a safe assumption these days—the plan would still provide retired soldiers with far less money than what they are entitled to now. Critics say the proposal would also make it harder for the military to retain its most senior, most knowledgeable members. -[bracketed portion is mine]
Despite the fact that I disagree with his framing of the 16.5% quantity and the assertions that retention would be dramatically effected, this characterization of the DBB proposal is technically true, however, by omitting key facts about how the current military retirement system works, the reader is left with an amazingly skewed perspective. Since I’ve already written fairly extensively on the unfairness inherent in the current military retirement system [Silent Majority, September 2011] I’m going to quote myself:

For those less familiar with the subject, military retirement works like this: After 20 years of service, you can retire and receive 50% of your base pay for the rest of your life. Keep in mind most military members retire around 40 years old and receive benefits for the next ~40 years, roughly twice the length of their service.

The salient fact here is that 83% of veterans do not receive any retirement benefits and this percentage is almost entirely drawn from the junior ranks - the demographic that has done the vast majority of the fighting and dying over the last decade.

Now, ‘base pay’ varies widely across ranks and time in service, but a completely typical O-5 who retires after 20 years of service and lives another 40 years will make $1,920,000.00 in 2011 dollars over his lifespan. If that same LtCol separates at 19 years, 364 days (for some unimaginable reason) he would receive nothing. The DBB proposal for retirement would reduce the huge payouts to the 17% of veterans that currently receive, but it would greatly expand the number of military members that receive some form of post-service benefits by creating a 401(k) style plan for all members that they would become vested in at 3-5 years. While a goal of the DBB proposal was clearly to rein in retirement expenses, the fact that the benefits of military service would be more equally distributed amongst a wider pool of veterans seems to be the kind of proposal that would be embraced by liberals, not rejected.

Even if you do support the ‘pot of gold’ retirement system that currently only benefits 17% of veterans, the system is fiscally unsustainable. It is growing at a rate well beyond that of normal inflation and assuming a flat defense budget over the next decade, that means a smaller and smaller percentage of the defense budget is going to be used to support those that are currently in the military.

So, unless you are willing to accept an ever growing DoD budget, or you want to continuously cut more and more defense programs to offset the additional costs, you have to recognize that the retirement system must be altered. Personally, I’m not convinced that the 401(k) style plan is the correct way to go, but there are a lot of advantages to the proposal and it doesn’t represent some kind of Wall Street takeover or undue corporate influence. Its a serious, albeit drastic proposal from a set of adults on a way to confront the hard choices the DoD is currently facing.

I don’t necessarily believe that the DoD would be best served by blindly accepting every proposal put forth by the Defense Business Board, but at some point, we need to stop waving the flag long enough to balance our checkbook. Even though we aren’t driven by a profit motive, with 3.2 million employees and 312 million shareholders, its pretty hard to make the case that we shouldn’t adopt sound business practices. While individual Marines, Airmen, Soldiers and Sailors may be motivated by patriotism, the Department of Defense runs on cash and our bill is about to come due.

Posted in Careerism, Military | 1 Comment

On civility and the civil-military relationship

The USNI blog had a brief post Monday about the Civil-Military Divide. It was in response to an email a Suffolk Law School professor had written, which ended up printed on a Boston radio station’s website. The following is an excerpt from Professor Michael Avery’s letter:

I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings. I understand that there is a residual sympathy for service members, perhaps engendered by support for troops in World War II, or perhaps from when there was a draft and people with few resources to resist were involuntarily sent to battle. That sympathy is not particularly rational in today’s world, however.

The United States may well be the most war prone country in the history of civilization. We have been at war two years out of three since the Cold War ended. We have 700 overseas military bases. What other country has any? In the last ten years we have squandered hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary foreign invasions. Those are dollars that could have been used for people who are losing their homes due to the economic collapse, for education, to repair our infrastructure, or for any of a thousand better purposes than making war. And of course those hundreds of billions of dollars have gone for death and destruction.”

UltimaRatioReg, in his response on the USNI blog, said:

“That kind of “civil-military divide” cannot be breached. Suffolk University Law School should consider carefully just whom they allow in the front of their classrooms.”

I want to set aside (for now) my deep-seated typographical concerns with the number of spaces appearing after periods in both of these pieces to address the other vexing issue at play here: the civil-military relationship.

I don’t share Professor Avery’s feelings and I think his implication that service members are engaging in illegal behavior by carrying out their jobs as members of the armed forces is out of line. I also think that even if you don’t support present US national security policy, it’s possible to support these individuals without embracing rampant militarism or a security state. Professor Avery may not feel that it is appropriate to support members of the armed forces, but other faculty and students are well within their rights to feel sympathy and to want to send care packages to deployed troops, and as long as the school is not requiring participation - and that’s not the impression I get here - I don’t see anything fundamentally wrong with the email soliciting others to do the same.

This letter strikes me as a misdirected overreaction spurred by what are clearly very strong feelings, namely anger which ought to be aimed at the policies of our civilian government, not the members of the military who carry them out. If you read his letter, the complaints outlined therein, it is clear that that is where he should be casting his blame. There are appropriate outlets through which Professor Avery and other Americans can work to shape American national security policy, and I hope that he expresses his views with his vote, by reaching out to his elected representatives, and by sharing them in appropriate fora. The professor also correctly identifies in his email other segments of the population who could use care packages or the support that they represent, “Americans who are losing their homes, malnourished, unable to get necessary medical care, and suffering from other consequences of poverty.” I hope he uses the opportunity presented by this occasion to organize his own donation drive at Suffolk to help this population.

Much as I may disagree with Professor Avery’s stance, I also think that curt dismissals are not a helpful way to engage those who feel the way he does. While the problems in Professor Avery’s email might seem obvious to people who think about these issues a lot, they will not to everyone. Most people do not think about these issues a lot. Many do not think about them at all.

We also have an all-volunteer force. Service members are all active agents of their own fate. They have chosen to serve in the armed forces for all manner of different reasons, but all have made the choice themselves, as adults, and are responsible for their own choices. Quite simply, people are under no obligation to feel sympathy for the troops. Those of us on the civilian side of the civil-military equation owe the members of the military certain things - pay, benefits, and (I would argue) protections such as those provided through adherence to the Geneva Conventions, and policies that will not put them in harm’s way needlessly or spend their lives lightly - but the cold truth is that sympathy and care packages are not among them. (Pulling this sticky issue apart and identifying just what the obligations of each side to the other are, and how well those obligations are being met, is a much longer post - or dissertation - for another time).

The civil-military relationship requires careful balance, and the obligations of each party to the relationship are not always clear. It can be challenged by ignorance or lack of thought on both sides, and has been especially tricky to nail down since the end of the draft. Calling American soldiers killers, implying that they bear the responsibility for our political decisions, conflating support of those who volunteer to serve with propagation of perpetual war - these things do not contribute usefully to making the civil-military relationship a healthy and appropriate one. However, nor does dismissing the very real portion of the population that feels this way and declaring the civil-military divide unbreachable. Civic engagement and the airing of diverse views - however odious we may find some of those views - are good things, and a robust - and civil - conversation and debate will be to the benefit of the future of civil-military relations. What’s needed is more understanding of the varying perspectives, not inflammatory rhetoric or casual resignation. Maybe Professor Avery won’t be convinced to change his tune, but the debate could benefit from an explication of what’s wrong with his position.

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Nothing Is Easy

Earlier this week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released their long awaited report on Iran’s nuclear activities. The IAEA releases a progress report four times a year or so, but this one was highly anticipated because it was the first one released after last month’s failed plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. Shortly after that well-executed plan came to light, reports started surfacing that the Obama administration was pushing the IAEA to include additional data pointing to the nefarious nature of Iran’s nuclear program in order to increase the pressure on Tehran.

Predictably, the drums of war started warming up last week and really got into a nice rhythm after the report was leaked on Tuesday. Now, I actually think that debating the utility of a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is a good thing. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with healthy debate of all our options, right? It’s when we don’t have those debates that we tend to get ourselves into trouble (See Iraq 2002-2003).

But lost in all the noise surrounding the debate over the military option is the need, before undertaking an action of this magnitude, to conduct a simple — but thorough — cost-benefit analysis of military action. I say this because most of the arguments advocating the military option seem to have skipped this exercise.

Below is what I see as the major costs and benefits of a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. This isn’t a thorough analysis and I don’t have a monopoly on, well, anything — feel free to contribute additional thoughts in the comments and I’ll plug them in.

Note: This is an oversimplified game meant to highlight the major considerations of the decision makers. There are a host of assumptions built into the game (or possibly left out). There was a nice discussion about the logic of nuclear deterrence and how it works in practice between myself, Dan Trombly, Ray Pritchett, and Robert Farley on twitter today. That’s a separate, albeit related, issue that warrants a separate post.


  • Unify Iranian society around a regime that does not enjoy widespread legitimacy
    • Think about what happened here on 9/11. Rally.Around.The.Flag.
  • World economic impact as the cost of oil goes up
    • Iran would likely attempt to close, albeit temporarily, the Strait of Hormuz. Even if they didn’t, however, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that the oil futures market is going to react negatively regardless.
  • Iranian retaliation via proxies and ballistic missiles on U.S. and Israeli targets throughout the Middle East
    • The U.S. has a plethora of targets elsewhere in the region that could be attacked via IRG Qods Force, proxies (Hezbollah), ballistic missiles, and IRGCN boats in the Persian Gulf.


  • Delay nuclear weapons program by X years
    • Given the total number of nuclear sites and the protection afforded some of them, it is highly unlikely we could destroy the program. We would degrade and delay it, but what is to stop Iran from rebuilding it, absent wholesale regime change.

Conclusion: ???

Posted in War | 6 Comments

All the Warring Ladies

I’ve got a piece up at The Atlantic today about women in war and peace in which I argue that we need to incorporate gender analysis and awareness into our narratives of war. Two things I wanted to address in companion:

First, there’s a paragraph missing. It’s my fault - I sent it to my editor far too late for inclusion – but I wanted to put it out there, because I left out the obvious: women in the line of fire*.

In addition to the FETs in Afghanistan, women are combatants in many conflicts, where their contributions and struggles often go unacknowledged during combat and untreated afterwards. More American women soldiers have served in Iraq than in all wars since World War II, a significant achievement for gender equality in the miliary. But female veterans suffer unemployment, depression, and divorce rates that are significantly higher than the overall veteran population, and the Department of Veterans Affairs has only recently started directly soliciting women veterans’ input on how to improve their services. At the other end of the spectrum, up to 40 percent of child soldiers are girls. Female child soldiers endure the same terrible experiences that boys do, with the added trauma of sexual slavery and attendant health issues, but they are often overlooked during and after combat.

Anyway, I’ve been beating myself up about leaving this out, so here it is.

* and yeah, we can get into the semantics of how women are or aren’t in combat, but it’s semantics and we all know that.


The other thing I wanted to address is a little touchier (as if that were possible!). I’m trying not to be cynical, but the truth is that I expect it’ll predominantly be women who read and care about this. And that enrages me.

We’ve bought into the self-reinforcing narrative that stories about women are only of interest to women, while stories about men are of interest to men and women alike. Of course, that’s how we get so many stories about women that focus on our love lives rather than on our accomplishments. And that’s how we get comments like this one that popped up in my twitter feed last night (which I’m leaving anonymous because I’m not trying to call out this particular individual – I’m merely using this as the way in which men can unthinkingly devalue women’s stories through off-hand remarks):

What? Seriously? You’re worried that your Twitter feed cares about women’s accomplishments? Come on. Don’t play that game. Don’t devalue anybody’s accomplishments like that. Some of the women honored are in fields you don’t care about, but then there’s Arianna Huffington and the Bush women and Gabby Giffords and Esraa Abdel Fattah and these women do not deserve your dismissal. You may argue with what they do, but do not be dismissive towards them just because they’re women. That’s what patriarchy looks like.

So if you skipped clicking that link above, click it. Read it. I promise it’s not a boo-hoo story about uteruses. It’s about incredible people – because women are people too – doing incredible things in incredibly bad situations.

Also, watch Women, War, and Peace. Seriously. If you don’t have time for all of it, make time for War Redefined and I Came to Testify and Pray the Devil Back to Hell. Really. They’re worth it.

And if you feel compelled to tell me I’m being too sensitive, I’d ask you to read this first, then go ahead.

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